Straw House

“Straw House,” fresco on straw wattles, dimensions variable, 2018

Straw House

This work is a collection of sculptures made using the true fresco method on erosion blocking straw wattles. I am working with fresco on different found materials, continuing in my research into our present state of climate precariousness and abstraction of place. I am a new transplant in the Rocky Mountain Region of the Western United States  (a site where forest fires and floods are also happening), and I notice erosion blockers lining nearly every hillside. Mesh sleeves stuffed with straw slowly decompose, reshaping Earth’s subtle contours. I am interested in the conflation of this type of band-aid-erosion-control with the permanence of fresco within architecture and painting. Impermanence exists wherever city planners, builders, and construction teams cannot control the ground. There are temporary fixes all over the landscape.